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Egyptian Government: prevent maltreatment of crocodiles in Nubian Village

Egyptian Government: prevent maltreatment of crocodiles in Nubian Village

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Esta petição foi criada por Cristina L. e pode não representar a visão da comunidade da Avaaz.
Cristina L.
começou essa petição para
Egyptian Government
The Nubian Village, in Aswan, southern Egypt, is one of Egypt's most popular tourist destinations. After a boat trip on the Nile River, tourists arrive at the village where the Nubians live, with whom they learn a little about their culture, share their music and drink tea.

Unfortunately, however, one of the attractions of this tour is to meet the captive-bred crocodiles by the Nubians. Puppies are separated from their mothers and delivered to the hands of tourists with their mouths tied, so that visitors "have fun." Meanwhile, adult crododiles are kept in cells where they can not even turn around, just for tourists to watch them.

Egyptian government, the world no longer tolerates ill-treatment of animals. Please re-educate the Nubian people and prohibit animal exploration tourism.
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