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The Legion is not a villain!

The Legion is not a villain!

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Esta petição foi criada por Renan D. e pode não representar a visão da comunidade da Avaaz.
Renan D.
começou essa petição para
Zac Thompson And Vita Ayala
The authors simply ignored the whole story of the Legion character, the character gained such maturity and also accepted his responsibilities in the legacy x-men, the character decided to erase himself than to create a story in which people did everything he wanted, he decided that he is not God or Judge for that and at the age of x-man, all the trajectory, all the history and maturity that the character has won, was simply ignored and thrown into the trash, comic book writers should read more about who writes , to not make a lot of mistakes, a beloved character can not be destroyed that way and that goes to all the characters that have gone through it, this is a manifesto to show that we will not accept more things like this, it has to be corrected as soon as possible!
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