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We want Verity Willis in the Loki series.

We want Verity Willis in the Loki series.

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Esta petição foi criada por Loki B. e pode não representar a visão da comunidade da Avaaz.
Loki B.
começou essa petição para
Michael Waldron Kate Herron Disney Plus Kevin Feige Marvel
The Verity is essential for Loki, according to the comics, it is when Loki sees himself with her eyes that he decides not to care what others think of him, and that includes Asgard. Loki spent his whole life seeing himself with the eyes of Odin, who never expected anything good from him, when he met someone who believes in his inner goodness and does not condition his affection for him, he began to love himself and to want to be someone better, no to please others, but to himself, he decided to fight for control of his own destiny, that he got with help of Verity. I Want her as Loki's Girlfriend. Please
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