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Stop genocide through gold mining and arsenic release in Paracatu.

Stop genocide through gold mining and arsenic release in Paracatu.

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Esta petição foi criada por Sergio D. e pode não representar a visão da comunidade da Avaaz.
Sergio D.
começou essa petição para
Mr. Stephen Harper, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil. Tel.: (+55 61) 3411.1200, (+55 61) 3411.1201. Fax: (+55 61) 3411.2222, Mr. Antonio A. J. Anastasia, Mrs. Izabella Teixeira, Mr. Adriano Magalhães

To obtain tens of tonnes of gold, Canadian Kinross Gold Corporation has released more than 300 hundred thousand tonnes of inorganic arsenic from the rocks of its open cut gold mine in Paracatu, a 90 thousand inhabitant town in Brazil. In the next 30 years, Kinross will release some 1 million tonnes of this dreadful environmental toxicant into the biosphere. One gram of inorganic arsenic is enough to instantly kill seven adult people, or cause chronic disease like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease if the exposure occurs over years or decades. Accordingly, the incidences of cancer, abortion and other diseases have increased significantly in Paracatu after Kinross initiated its gold mining activities in town. There is no such thing as a safe dose for a cancer causing substance like arsenic. The arsenic released by Kinross into air, soil and water in Paracatu is bioaccessible to millions of living beings including people in Brazil and worldwide. The incredible amounts of arsenic from Paracatu will persist in the environment for hundreds or thousands of years causing persistent, chronic killings, human suffering and poverty.

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