Σταματήστε τη συρρίκνωση του Μουσικού Σχολείου Μυτιλήνης!
Δημιουργός ψηφίσματος:
Γιώργος Τ.
- Παραλήπτες:
Διευθύντρια Περιφερειακής Διεύθυνσης Εκπαίδευσης Β. Αιγαίου, κα Παπαδανιήλ Μαρία.
Το Μουσικό Σχολείο Μυτιλήνης, παράγει πολιτισμό στο νησί της Λέσβου από το 1994. Είναι το μοναδικό σχολείο στο νομό της Λέσβου με αυξητική πορεία, καθώς από το 2014 μέχρι το 2019 αύξησε το μαθητικό του δυναμικό κατά 35% με ακόμα μεγαλύτερα ποσοστά ζήτησης. Με απόφασή της η Διευθύντρια της Περιφερειακής Διεύθυνσης Εκπαίδευσης Β. Αιγαίου, κα Παπαδανιήλ Μαρία, καταργεί το ένα τμήμα μαθητών στην Α΄γυμνασίου, επιτρέποντας μόνο σε 24 παιδιά να εγγραφούν για το έτος 2019-2020 στο σχολείο - σε ένα μόνο τμήμα - και οδηγώντας το σχολείο σε σταδιακή συρρίκνωσή του. Το σχολείο έχει στα χέρια του 51 αιτήσεις μαθητών για την Α' Γυμνασίου, που σημαίνει ότι 27 μαθητές θα πρέπει να απορριφθούν. Αφορμή για την παραπάνω απόφαση αποτελεί το υπάρχον χρόνιο κτηριακό πρόβλημα του σχολείου το οποίο συστεγάζεται με άλλο Γυμνάσιο. Αντί λοιπόν να δοθεί μία λύση στο στεγαστικό πρόβλημα του σχολείου αποφασίστηκε η συρρίκνωσή του! Να σημειωθεί ότι στο συστεγαζόμενο Γυμνάσιο, για το ίδιο σχολικό έτος, θα αυξηθούν τα τμήματα στην Α' Γυμνασίου από 3 σε 4!
Παρακαλούμε υπογράψτε ώστε να σταματήσει αυτός ο παραλογισμός. Ζητούμε να λειτουργήσει το σχολείο, όπως λειτουργούσε μέχρι τώρα, με 2 τμήματα σε κάθε τάξη του Γυμνασίου! Μην επιτρέπετε στους αρμόδιους να υποτιμούν άλλο τη Μουσική εκπαίδευση σε αυτή τη χώρα!
Stop the Shrinkage of Mytilene Music School-Lesvos-Greece!
On Lesvos island in Greece, the one which has welcomed hundreds of thousands of refugees since 2015, there is only one Public Music School, the Music School of Mytilene (Secondary School providing main and music education to kids from 12 to 18 years old). Music School of Mytilene has been promoting music culture on the island since 1994. It is the only school in the whole prefecture of Lesvos, with an increasing trend in student capacity, increasing the number of students by 35% from 2014 to 2019, with even higher demand. By decision, the North Aegean Regional Directorate of Education Director, Ms Papadaniil Maria, abolished one class of students for the 1st grade of Music School of Mytilene, allowing only 24 children - in just a single class - to enroll in High School for the year 2019-2020 and leading the Music School in its gradual shrinkage. Music School of Mytilene has received 51 student applications for the 1st grade, from all over the island, meaning that 27 students will have to be rejected. The reason for the decision above, is the school’s existing chronic housing problem which is co-located (sharing the same building) with another high school. North Aegean Regional Directorate of Education instead of giving a solution to school housing problem, it has decided to shrink it! Note that in the co-located High School, for the same school year 2019-2020, the number of classes for the 1st Grade will increase from 3 to 4! Please sign to stop this absurdity!We ask that Music School of Mytilene will continue to operate, as it has done up to now, with two classes for each grade of High School! Do not allow persons in charge to underestimate Music Education in Greece and especially on a remote island!
Ferma la riduzione della scuola musicale di Mytilini
La Scuola Musicale di Mytilene produce cultura sull'isola di Lesbo dal 1994. È l'unica scuola nella prefettura di Lesbo con un percorso crescente, e dal 2014 al 2019 ha aumentato il suo potenzionale studentesco del 35%. Con una decisione della Direttrice Scolastico della regione di nord Egeo, signora Papadaniel Maria è stata tolta una classe -quella del primo grado-, consentendo solo a 24 ragazzi di iscriversi per l'anno 2019-2020, dai 51 in totale che hanno applicato per la stessa periodo. Questa decisione da parte della Direzione quidera la scuola nel suo graduale restringimento. Il motivo di questa decisione sono i problemi cronici dell’ alloggio della scuola che è co-localizzata con un'altra scuola media nello stesso edificio. Invece di trovare una soluzione al problema di alloggiamento della scuola, si è deciso di ridurrla !!! Sottolineamo che nella scuola media coabitante, per lo stesso anno scolastico, è previsto che le sezioni di 1o grado aumenteranno dal 3 a 4! Per favore firma per fermare questa assurdità. Chiediamo che la scuola continua a funzionare , come è stato fatto fino ad oggi, con 2 dipartimenti in ogni grado della scuola media! Non permettere ai responsabili di sottovalutare e sottoestimare l'educazione musicale in questo paese!
Παρακαλούμε υπογράψτε ώστε να σταματήσει αυτός ο παραλογισμός. Ζητούμε να λειτουργήσει το σχολείο, όπως λειτουργούσε μέχρι τώρα, με 2 τμήματα σε κάθε τάξη του Γυμνασίου! Μην επιτρέπετε στους αρμόδιους να υποτιμούν άλλο τη Μουσική εκπαίδευση σε αυτή τη χώρα!
Stop the Shrinkage of Mytilene Music School-Lesvos-Greece!
On Lesvos island in Greece, the one which has welcomed hundreds of thousands of refugees since 2015, there is only one Public Music School, the Music School of Mytilene (Secondary School providing main and music education to kids from 12 to 18 years old). Music School of Mytilene has been promoting music culture on the island since 1994. It is the only school in the whole prefecture of Lesvos, with an increasing trend in student capacity, increasing the number of students by 35% from 2014 to 2019, with even higher demand. By decision, the North Aegean Regional Directorate of Education Director, Ms Papadaniil Maria, abolished one class of students for the 1st grade of Music School of Mytilene, allowing only 24 children - in just a single class - to enroll in High School for the year 2019-2020 and leading the Music School in its gradual shrinkage. Music School of Mytilene has received 51 student applications for the 1st grade, from all over the island, meaning that 27 students will have to be rejected. The reason for the decision above, is the school’s existing chronic housing problem which is co-located (sharing the same building) with another high school. North Aegean Regional Directorate of Education instead of giving a solution to school housing problem, it has decided to shrink it! Note that in the co-located High School, for the same school year 2019-2020, the number of classes for the 1st Grade will increase from 3 to 4! Please sign to stop this absurdity!We ask that Music School of Mytilene will continue to operate, as it has done up to now, with two classes for each grade of High School! Do not allow persons in charge to underestimate Music Education in Greece and especially on a remote island!
Ferma la riduzione della scuola musicale di Mytilini
La Scuola Musicale di Mytilene produce cultura sull'isola di Lesbo dal 1994. È l'unica scuola nella prefettura di Lesbo con un percorso crescente, e dal 2014 al 2019 ha aumentato il suo potenzionale studentesco del 35%. Con una decisione della Direttrice Scolastico della regione di nord Egeo, signora Papadaniel Maria è stata tolta una classe -quella del primo grado-, consentendo solo a 24 ragazzi di iscriversi per l'anno 2019-2020, dai 51 in totale che hanno applicato per la stessa periodo. Questa decisione da parte della Direzione quidera la scuola nel suo graduale restringimento. Il motivo di questa decisione sono i problemi cronici dell’ alloggio della scuola che è co-localizzata con un'altra scuola media nello stesso edificio. Invece di trovare una soluzione al problema di alloggiamento della scuola, si è deciso di ridurrla !!! Sottolineamo che nella scuola media coabitante, per lo stesso anno scolastico, è previsto che le sezioni di 1o grado aumenteranno dal 3 a 4! Per favore firma per fermare questa assurdità. Chiediamo che la scuola continua a funzionare , come è stato fatto fino ad oggi, con 2 dipartimenti in ogni grado della scuola media! Non permettere ai responsabili di sottovalutare e sottoestimare l'educazione musicale in questo paese!
(Ενημερώθηκε )
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Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την υποβολή των αρχείων και/ή των σχολίων σου.