Citlaly R.
creó esta petición para
La Diputada Lizbeth Mata Lozano, "la Procuraduría de Derechos Humanos (PDH) and "la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE)"
Since the blatant filth of the elections of Jully 2012 in Mexico, there has been several harassment from the government to the member of #yosoy132 members as well as citizens fighting for democracy in Mexico. The 20th September 2012, a young brilliant scientist, militant of #yosoy132, Aleph Jiménez Domínguez, was sequestrated and released several days later. This is not the first case reported, and several activists are still missing in other localities of the republic. Moreover, the violence in Ensneada has abruplty increased and many inocent victims have lost their life, due to the corruption and incomptence of the local authorities. This is an indignation for the Mexican community and a proof that both the state council and the government of the Mexican republic is more than inefficient in managing their legal duties.
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