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Education more accessible for all PCUA.UNIVERSITY

Education more accessible for all PCUA.UNIVERSITY

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Esta petición ha sido creada por Pontifical C. y no necesariamente representa la opinión de la comunidad de Avaaz
Pontifical C.
creó esta petición para
People are passing through this world, we are going to take nothing in return. Our institution, the Pontifical Catholic University of America - PCUA, shares the spirit of its promoters, that of sharing "education more accessible to all" ... from our workplace, our community, our home, from the internet, from the media of communication ... we always have people close by who want to learn, we organize, we talk and we try to share experiences of how to do good to others.
At PCUA we promote free courses and programs of native languages with the purpose of promoting values, interest in others and above all love.

Everyone is invited to share food for the body (food), food for the mind (knowledge) or food for the soul (values and peace) ...

To love is to give something welfare ...
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