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J'ai compris

In Fire Emblem Three Houses:
Give more S Support to Sylvain, because he deserves better.

In Fire Emblem Three Houses: Give more S Support to Sylvain, because he deserves better.

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Cette pétition a été lancée par Droiidaster et ne représente peut-être pas un positionnement d'Avaaz
a lancé une pétition à destination de
In Fire Emblem Three Houses: Sylvain Jose Gautier has only three S Supports (without counting Byleth). He is one of the most interesting characters of the game, he has a cool and dramatic background, he cares for his friends, even
if they treat him like he's a womanizer with no morals. But Sylvain is
not like this, he has his reasons, he just can't trust anyone because of
his brother who hated him and his family who ruined his life because of
his crest. Sylvain is one of the kindest guys in the whole game and he has only three S Supports, but his Support with Bernadetta, Annette and all the Golden Deer's girl deserve more! Why it's ending to B Support!
Theses supports deserve more content, I don't understand even why it stopped, they have a really good potential and it stopped when it started to be interesting so I think it's a huge waste.
So, I made this petition because I have hope, and if other fans who think the same way as I support this petition, I am sure that one day, we can reach Nintendo and they will hear us and do what they can. If it is in a new DLC or something I will pay with no hesitation.

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