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Fundamental human/children's rights for donor conceived and surrogacy born persons

Fundamental human/children's rights for donor conceived and surrogacy born persons

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Deze petitie is gecreëerd door Steph R. en geeft niet per se de standpunten van de Avaaz-gemeenschap weer.
Steph R.
heeft deze petitie aangemaakt voor
On Tuesday the 19th November something historical happened. It was the first time that a large international group of donor-conceived and a surrogacy born people spoke before the United Nations about the implications and complications they live with as a result of their donor-conception or surrogacy.

This includes the deprivation of fundamental rights such as the right to identity, the right to family, and the right not to be bought or sold.

We implore Governments to hear our voices, and to enact laws that protect our fundamental rights and interests to ensure that:

  • we all have access to information about our biological heritage and relations and are able to maintain relations with our biological, social and gestational families;

  • comprehensive and complete records of all parties involved in the conception of the child are held by the State in perpetuity for current and future generations;

  • the full and effective enjoyment of all the rights of donor-conceived and surrogacy-born children are respected and promoted in both the immediate and longer terms;

  • the best interests of the child be the paramount consideration in all relevant laws, policies and practices and in any judicial and administrative decisions; and

  • all forms of commercialisation of gametes, children, and surrogates are prohibited including, but not limited to, the sale and trafficking in persons and gametes.

You can find our speeches from the United Nations event and recommendations at

If you would like to express your support and stand by us in our fight against the fundamental injustices we suffer, let us know and please also sign the petition.

Please note: All donor conceived present at the United Nations event were there by their own financial means and time. You can contribute to the cost they had to make by supporting them through the Go fund me page they set up. You can still make a donation via

Thank you.

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