
STOP Act S. 447
PolCzas N.
kieruje swoją petycję do:
Donald Trump
We, the Polish people stand united in our rejection of Act S. 447. We urge You, Mr. President to veto it. The Act violates the terms of the 1960 Treaty agreement between the U.S. and Poland and is designed to enrich private Jewish American groups, which make unfounded, extralegal claims against Poland. Your signature under the Bill would legitimize such extralegal demands especially a demand of ”restitution of the heirless property”, a concept which carries a contradiction in terms, and which constitutes a departure from the existing law. Heirless property always escheats to the state. The groups attempting to make claims are not successors of the Polish citizens murdered by Germany during WWII. Act S. 447 would destabilize and weaken Poland, the most loyal ally of the USA in Europe.
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