
Δημιουργός ψηφίσματος:
- Παραλήπτες:
Γνωριζοντας οτι γινονται κακοποιησεις, θανατωσεις και δηλητηριασεις ζωων συνεχομενα, αν και ο νομος εχει αυστηροποιηθει, βλεπουμε οτι το φαινομενο συνεχιζεται με την ιδια ενταση. Αυτο σημαινει οτι δεν αρκει ο νομος να ειναι πιο αυστηρος. Θα πρεπει να ειναι πολυ πιο αυστηρος και ακομα πιο πολυ να εφαρμοζεται. Επομενως, οσον αφορα τον ζωοφιλικο νομο, το πλημμελημα χρειαζεται να γινει κακουργημα, με ολα του τα επακολουθα. Οταν προβαινει κανεις σε τετοιες πραξεις, που αφορουν την σωματικη ακεραιοτητα ενος αλλου ζωντανου πλασματος, οποιο και αν ειναι αυτο, το λιγοτερο που μπορει να χαρακτηριστει ειναι κακουργος και κατ' επεκταση αν του αφαιρεσει την ζωη, δολοφονος. Δεν μπορει οι νομοθετες να δινουν μεγαλυτερη αξια στην ζωη ενος ανθρωπου- και εφ' οσον το κανουν, καλα κανουν-αλλα πρεπει να δινουν την ιδια αξια σε καθε ζωντανο πλασμα επανω στη γη, γιατι ολα χρειαζονται. Επισης ειναι εξαιρετικα παραξενο για ποιον λογο οι αρμοδιες αρχες δεν ανταποκρινονται στις καταγγελιες των πολιτων, ακομα και με τον ηδη υπαρχοντα νομο. Αυτο δειχνει ενα οσφυοκαμπτικο κρατος και αναρωτιεται κανεις πολλες φορες αν υπαρχει κιολας. Οσο η κοινωνια διαφθειρεται, τοσο περισσοτεροι νομοι χρειαζονται δυστυχως, για να αντιμετωπιστουν διαφορα προβληματα της... Και εφ' οσον καποιοι εχουν απωλεσει το φιλοτιμο και τον σεβασμο προς την ζωη, κατι πρεπει να τους φρεναρει. Οσο ευκολα κακοποιουν ενα ζωο, χωρις συναισθημα, χωρις λυπηση και κατα τον ιδιο τροπο του αφαιρουν την ζωη, πολυ ευκολα μπορουν να προβουν σε ωμοτητες εναντιον των ανθρωπων... Και αν δεν υπαρχουν ζωα να βγαλουν εκει το μενος τους, τοτε ας γινουμε κανιβαλλοι να τελειωσει η ιστορια. Αν ο καθενας κανει οτι θελει, οπως θελει και οταν θελει, χωρις να σεβεται το που σταματαει αυτος και ξεκιναει καποιος αλλος, που δεν μπορει να τον ανεχθει, η να τον αγαπησει, τοτε ας γυρισουμε στην εποχη των σπηλαιων. Ο σεβασμος και η αγαπη ειναι πολιτισμος και δεν πρεπει να συνηθιζουμε στη βια, ουτε να την ανεχομαστε. Εχουμε πληρη επιγνωση των πραγματων. Δεν πεταμε στον αερα, ουτε περπαταμε στο νερο. Παταμε σταθερα κατω στη γη και ξερουμε οτι καποια πραγματα που ζηταμε, μπορει να μην τα δουμε ποτε. Ομως δεν μπορουμε να παψουμε να τα διεκδικουμε. Γι' αυτον τον λογο δημιουργησαμε ψηφισμα (petition) με το συγκεκριμενο αιτημα, ζητωντας ο νομος να αντιμετωπιζει με μεγαλη αυστηροτητα τις κακοποιησεις και τις δολοφονιες των ζωων, οχι σαν πλημμεληματα, αλλα σαν κακουργηματα. Δεν ειναι υποσχεση για ενα καλυτερο αυριο. Ειναι προσπαθεια. Γι' αυτο κι εμεις σας καλουμε ΟΛΟΥΣ ΑΝΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΩΣ, φιλοζωους και μη, να βοηθησετε στην προσπαθεια μας. Το μονο που ζηταμε απο εσας, ειναι η υπογραφη σας και τιποτε αλλο. Προωθηστε το ωστε να βοηθησετε να το γνωρισουν και αλλοι ανθρωποι στην Ελλαδα και στο εξωτερικο. Δεν αφορα μονο τα δικα μας ζωα, αλλα και τα ζωα ολου του κοσμου. Γιατι κακοποιησεις και δολοφονιες ζωων δεν γινονται μονο στη χωρα μας, αλλα παντου ανα τον κοσμο.
English text follows:
Knowing that there are ongoing abuses, killings and poisonings of animals, although the law has been rigorous, we see that the phenomenon continues with the same intensity. This means that it is not enough for the law to be stricter. It should be much stricter and even more stringent. Therefore, as far as animal law is concerned, the wrongdoing needs to become a crime, with all its consequences. When one commits such acts, which concern the physical integrity of another living creature, whatever it is, the least it can characterize is a wicked one and, by extension, a murderer. Legislators cannot impart greater value to the living man - and if they do, they do well - but they must impart their own value to every living creature back on earth, because they all need it. It is also very strange why the competent authorities do not respond to the complaints of the citizens, even with the existing law. This shows a lumbar state and one wonders a lot if it even exists. As society becomes corrupt, more and more laws are unfortunately needed to deal with its various problems ... And as long as some have lost their philanthropy and respect for life, they have to brake them. As easily as they abuse an animal, without emotion, without sadness and in their own way they take away their life, they can very easily cruelty to humans ... And if there are no animals out there, then let's be cannibals to end the story. If everyone does what he wants, as he pleases and when he wants, without respecting what stops him and starts somebody else who cannot tolerate, love him, then let's go back to the cave era. Respect and love is a culture and we should not get used to violence, nor tolerate it. We are fully aware of the facts. We did not fly in the air, nor did we walk in the water. We are firmly pressing down on the earth and know that some of the things we ask for may never be seen. But we cannot stop claiming them. For this reason, we created a petition with this particular request, asking the law to deal with the rigor and abuse of animals, not as wrongdoing, but as a crime. It is not a promise for a better tomorrow. It's an effort. That is why we invite you ALL, be animal lovers or not, to assist in our endeavor. The only thing we asked of you is your signature and nothing else. Promote it to help other people in Greece and abroad get to know it. It is not just about our own animals, but about the animals of the whole world. Because animal abuse and killing are not only happening in our country, but everywhere in the world.
English text follows:
Knowing that there are ongoing abuses, killings and poisonings of animals, although the law has been rigorous, we see that the phenomenon continues with the same intensity. This means that it is not enough for the law to be stricter. It should be much stricter and even more stringent. Therefore, as far as animal law is concerned, the wrongdoing needs to become a crime, with all its consequences. When one commits such acts, which concern the physical integrity of another living creature, whatever it is, the least it can characterize is a wicked one and, by extension, a murderer. Legislators cannot impart greater value to the living man - and if they do, they do well - but they must impart their own value to every living creature back on earth, because they all need it. It is also very strange why the competent authorities do not respond to the complaints of the citizens, even with the existing law. This shows a lumbar state and one wonders a lot if it even exists. As society becomes corrupt, more and more laws are unfortunately needed to deal with its various problems ... And as long as some have lost their philanthropy and respect for life, they have to brake them. As easily as they abuse an animal, without emotion, without sadness and in their own way they take away their life, they can very easily cruelty to humans ... And if there are no animals out there, then let's be cannibals to end the story. If everyone does what he wants, as he pleases and when he wants, without respecting what stops him and starts somebody else who cannot tolerate, love him, then let's go back to the cave era. Respect and love is a culture and we should not get used to violence, nor tolerate it. We are fully aware of the facts. We did not fly in the air, nor did we walk in the water. We are firmly pressing down on the earth and know that some of the things we ask for may never be seen. But we cannot stop claiming them. For this reason, we created a petition with this particular request, asking the law to deal with the rigor and abuse of animals, not as wrongdoing, but as a crime. It is not a promise for a better tomorrow. It's an effort. That is why we invite you ALL, be animal lovers or not, to assist in our endeavor. The only thing we asked of you is your signature and nothing else. Promote it to help other people in Greece and abroad get to know it. It is not just about our own animals, but about the animals of the whole world. Because animal abuse and killing are not only happening in our country, but everywhere in the world.
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