Google Maps: No Incluir el Sahara Occidental dentro de la frontera de Marruecos
Español: En 1975 tras la vergonzosa salida de España de su última colonia (Sahara Occidental), Marruecos invadió ilegalmente el territorio y tras 16 años de guerra contra los saharauis, se firmó un acuerdo de alto el fuego en 1991. Durante la Guerra, Marruecos construyó el MURO MILITAR MÁS GRANDE DEL PLANETA, se trata del muro de la vergüenza, que divide el territorio de la República Saharaui en dos mitades, una parte pequeña y desértica bajo poder de la República Saharaui y otra parte más extensa y rica controlada por Marruecos.
Ningún País del Mundo reconoce a Marruecos soberanía sobre ese territorio, sin embargo, GOOGLE MAPS, lejos de atender y cumplir con la legalidad internacional y las resoluciones de Naciones Unidas, que siempre han calificado a Marruecos como ocupante ilegal del territorio y han exigido su salida del mismo, asi como, el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia que previa consulta solicitada por Marruecos en 1975 dictó una resolución por la que afirmaba que NO EXISTE NI HA EXISTIDO RELACIÓN DE SOBERANÍA del sultán marroquí sobre el territorio saharaui.
Por esta razón y dado que es injusto e ilegal dar cobertura a este status quo de hechos consumados, creemos preciso lanzar esta campaña para que GOOGLE MAP modifique su mapa y separe al Sahara Occidental de Marruecos, pues son dos países distintos.
English: After the embarrasing depart of Spain from his last colony (Western Sahara) in 1975, at present time this territory is the last colony in Africa. Before the celebration of independence referendum, Morocco invaded Western Sahara and began the war between moroccan soldiers and Frente Polisario, declaring ceasefire in 1991. During the War , Morocco built the GREATEST MILITARY WALL ON THE PLANET, called the Wall of Shame, which divides the territory of the Sahrawi Republic in two halves, a small, desertic part of the Saharawi Republic and another one bigger and richer in resources, controlled by Morocco. Sahrawi people live in both parts, moroccan-ocupated zone and Polisario controlled zone (and the biggest part who lives in the refugees camp in Tindouf, Algeria) with no possibility to comunicate or meet together since then.
Nowadays no Country in the World recognize Moroccan sovereignty over that territory. However, GOOGLE MAPS puts together Western Sahara like a Morocco's part, far from complying with international law and UN resolutions, which have always described Morocco as squatter territory and demanded his departure thereof. As well, the International Court of Justice after consultation requested by Morocco in 1975 issued a resolution stating that NEVER HAVE EXISTED A SOVEREIGNTY RELATIONSHIP of the Moroccan sultanate on Sahrawi territory. Is for that reason that we request GOOGLE MAPS to modify his map and clearly separe Western Sahara from Morocco, because according to international law, UN and International Court of Justice resolutions they are two different countries.