Ministerio de Exteriores: Le pedimos que saquen a Mayuba de Argelia
Mahdjouba Mohamed Handidaf (o Mayuba), es Española de origen Saharaui, de 23 años de edad, que vino por primera vez a España a finales de los años 90 en el programa de Vacaciones en Paz. En el año 2002, la familia que la recibió durante 3 veranos, la adoptó en acogida bajo el consentimiento de su familia biológica. Desde ese año… ha vivido en España, donde obtuvo el título de Secundaria, el de Bachillerato y la Licenciatura de Filología Árabe por la Universidad de Alicante. En el último año ha estado trabajando y estudiando en Londres.
Este verano recibió un aviso de su familia biológica para que fuera a visitarlos al campamento Saharaui de El Aiún donde residen, ya que su abuela estaba bastante enferma. Acompañada de su padre de acogida fue a su casa paterna, el cual regresó a España una semana después. Se esperaba su regreso para el día 18 de Agosto, pero su padre y madre biológica le quitaron el pasaporte y el dinero del que disponía y le dijeron que ya volvería más tarde. Sin embargo, unos días después le comunicaron que no iba a volver nunca más y la trasladaron a un pueblo de Argelia a unos 170 kilómetros de El Aiún, llamado Oum Lassel, barrio del Rift, donde aún se encuentra.
Está encerrada en una habitación sin poder salir y vigilada las 24 horas del día. Algunos días le dejan un móvil para poder comunicarse con su familia de acogida y amigos. Ha sido amenazada de muerte en caso de que intente escapar de allí, al igual que su familia de acogida si intentan ir a rescatarla.
La única forma de solucionar esto es que el Ministerio de Exteriores y el Polisario Argelino actúen, liberándola y trasladándola a España de forma urgente, ya que cuando su familia biológica se entera de los intentos de búsqueda de la policía Argelina la trasladan a un nuevo lugar.
Por este motivo consideramos URGENTE la difusión de esta petición para que se tomen medidas de manera inmediata y que Mayuba vuelva a su casa con su familia y amigos.
GRACIAS.Haz clic aquí para ver el texto completo
Mahdjouba Mohamed Hamdidaf (or Mayuba) is a Spanishcitizen originally born in the Sahrawi Refugee camps in Tindouf. She is 23 years old and first came to Spain in the late 90s as part of an exchange programme called “Holidays for Peace”. In 2002, the Spanish family that she had stayed with for 3 summers legally adopted her with the permission and the blessing of her biological family. From then on she lived and studied in Spain and became a Spanish citizen. She went to Alicante University, where she obtained a degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies. In the past year, she has been working in London and on behalf of the Marie Curie Foundation and was planning to start a master’s degree later on.
This summer, however, she received news from her biological family telling her that her grandmother was seriously ill, and asking her to visit.
Accompanied by her Spanish father, she went to the Sahrawi camps near Tindouf, Algeria, on the 28th of July. Her adopted father returned the following week; Mayuba had a return ticket and was due to fly home to Spain on the 18th of August. However, her biological father confiscated her passport and prevented her from leaving the camps. In the days that followed, the family moved Mayuba out of the Sahrawi camps against her will, to Oum El Assel, a location in the Algerian Sahara. At this point, Mayuba’s friends and Spanish family informed the Algerian police of her situation. The Algerian authorities failed to act; the biological family received notification of the calls for police action, and escaped back to the Sahrawi camps.
At present, she is being held in the camps and is unable to leave. She is being watched 24 hours a day and is onlyallowed to contact her Spanish family under supervision, only for very limited periods. Her biological family and her wider community is putting her under immense pressure to sign documents stating that she is staying in the camps out of her own free will. Over the course of events, she has repeatedly received death threats.
Her case has been taken up by various organizations and agencies, including the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Human Rights Watch, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Alkarama Foundation has submitted an urgent appeal to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women demanding action on Mayuba’s case.
With this petition, we are calling on the Spanish and Algerian governments, as well as the Polisario Front, to defend Mayuba’s Human Rights and to work towards her immediate and urgent release.
We ask for your support in ensuring that Mayuba can live her life freely, and without any form of coercion.