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For Justice, Recognition, Development and Democracy!

INSTITUTIONALIZE THE SIXTH AU REGION! For Justice, Recognition, Development and Democracy!

1 personnes ont signé. Allons jusqu'à
50 soutiens


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Cette pétition a été lancée par Joël H. et ne représente peut-être pas un positionnement d'Avaaz
Joël H.
a lancé une pétition à destination de
African Union, Pan-African Parliament, OHCHR, Human Rights Council, MACKY SALL
Institutionalizing the Sixth African Union Region, the Diaspora, will enable a full democratic participation of all people of African descent.

It goes in line with the African Union Strategy 2063 of a United State of Africa.

It respect the International Decade for People of African Descent.

It recognizes Pan-African Citizenship.

The Sixth AU Region shall be govern by the African Economic Communities Protocol related to the Pan-African Parliament and the Constitutive Act of the AU that shall be amended..
The Pan-African Civil Society and the CIRID call upon the President of the African Union, President of the Macky Sall Prize for Dialogue in Africa and the President of Senegal to support this Petition and present it to the next AU Summit in January 2020.
The Sixth AU Region Shall be democratically represented to the Pan-African Parliament and thus realize the integration of Africa.

Publiée (Mis à jour )