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Stop paying pensions rights to Nazis

Stop paying pensions rights to Nazis

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Cette pétition a été lancée par Bruno D. et ne représente peut-être pas un positionnement d'Avaaz
Bruno D.
a lancé une pétition à destination de
Charles Michel, Siegfried Brack, Angela Merkel, Martin Schulz, J-C Juncker
We cannot accept that pension rights are paid by
Germany to former SS or former collaborators of the Hitler regime, as well as to their descendants or widows.

This is happening for the past 71 years! The Groupe Mémoire chaired by Pierre Paul Baeten, a former political prisoner, recently warned the Belgian public opinion (see the TV report from the RTBF, it's in french here

This shameful situation has to stop. What are the Belgian government and parliament doing about that? The German Chancellor should end these pension rights to any persons concerned, irrelevant of their place of residence.

Germany is a democratic State with a considerable influence on the European continent, it therefore cannot remain silent.
Germany should therefore take initiatives to end these pension rights. It is useful to remind that the U.S. has already debated on the subject as well as vote a law in 2014.

The EU is also recipient of the 2012 Peace Nobel Prize. This prize awards actions taken for more than 60 years for peace,reconciliation, democracy and Human rights. At lot of work remains in order to reach that Nobel consecration.

At a time when the far right is growing and neo Nazi groups are reappearing in different European countries, it is our duty to mobilise! Our group of citizens, "For the Memory, For the Future", is aimed at saying no to pensions for the Nazis by getting a fundamental change in the policy of the German Government! A first step would be to list those holding rights to the German pension. Then, our ultimate goal is to eliminate this unacceptable and morally wrong allocation. We hope to achieve this goal by raising the awareness not only of Belgian and European politicians, but also of our fellow citizens through an awareness campaign on the ground and on social networks, as well as by the distribution of a petition. It is essential to understand that our approach is not against the German State, nor its population, but that this is a struggle to fight against this injustice. Europe, like the Nobel Peace Prize, must uphold its values and shut off the tap at the source, that is in Germany. As a citizens' group, we want to make loud and clear the claims brought by the "Memory Group" chaired by Pierre Paul Baeten, a former political prisoner who has just alerted Belgian public opinion. More information can be found on our Facebook page

How to act: by signing the petition that is on the internet, by signing the petition in "paper" format here .
Citizens can draw inspiration from a model letter

We want to create a group of ambassadors for our cause in all municipalities and go much further to take action in public places (markets....). The citizen's group For the Memory, For the Future will be meeting people, voluntary associations and the press on 23rd June 2016 at 19:00 hrs at the Perwez Cultural Centre. We will have the opportunity to detail our upcoming actions. All democrats are concerned, for the Memory, for the Future.

Thank's a lot.

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