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Stop the Burma's government to remove the muslim cemetery on october 17, 2013

Stop the Burma's government to remove the muslim cemetery on october 17, 2013

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50 soutiens

El M.
a lancé une pétition à destination de
Le président Thein Sein

We thought that Muslims from Myanmar had suffered of all kind of ignominy and we have trusted naively that would be the limit of the human cruelty
and the death will be the end of their suffering, however, we have just learned that Burma’s Muslim would be hunted until their graves by Buddhist fanatics. Indeed the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has planed the destruction of a Muslim cemetery.
The International Community has to take military action to stop those Buddhist fanatics who are destroying historic sites to erase any proof of presence of Muslim in the region since centuries

Let’s get 1 000 000 Signatures in 10 days

For more information, go to

Collective HAMEB

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