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Please cancel the sleepers project on rust

Please cancel the sleepers project on rust

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Cette pétition a été lancée par Théo D. et ne représente peut-être pas un positionnement d'Avaaz
Théo D.
a lancé une pétition à destination de
The rust developpers
After the decay feature, people were obligated to play to Rust really often, to protect their house from decay.
Now, by adding this kind of feature, you are obligating the players to play Rust all the time.

Why? Because a lot of clans (like Arche) are playing 24h/24 on the french server, by example. And they are not the only ones!

What it means? They have all the time they want to raid all the houses of the map, in like 1 week, and to protect themselves from any
raid (they have metal houses with dozens of metal doors inside).

So adding this feature means that all the newbies, nakeds and the raided people could not make their houses anymore because of the oppression
of all the existing teams. It would be impossible to play alone. I personally got a team, but we can not be connected all the time (we have a social
life, you see). And then we could not play rust fine anymore.

In conclusion, i think adding the sleepers would be a really bad idea because it is going to ruin new players experience, and it is going to disadvantage the
players that can not connect to rust all the time.

A better idea:

- Adding something like 60 seconds more with a "ghost" player of yourself when disconnecting would be nice instead. (it would be nice because when you raid people, you need about
60 seconds before entering in the house and kill them).

I think the "sleepers" feature would be useless because a lot of people with really large stuff can't put everything in their inventory.

That's why, me and our team, and a lot of players complaining about it too would like to see this project canceled.

Thanks for your comprehension.
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