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OK Introduce an easy Kindle jailbreak system. Introduce an easy Kindle jailbreak system.

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Questa petizione è stata creata da Federico S. e potrebbe non rappresentare il punto di vista della comunità di Avaaz.
Federico S.
ha lanciato questa petizione diretta a:
Today the Kindle operating system is completely closed. Recently, Amazon decided to cut off every possibility to customize your device with extra apps through the jailbreak.
Because of this Amazon Kindle devices are quite unuseful and the only thing you can do is reading Amazon Store ebooks. On the internet there are a lot of beautiful sources for free ebooks that we think Amazon should encourage (such as Gutenberg and Liber Liber projects). This type of free culture, completely legal, should be the first aim for an organization like Amazon, who would gain a lot in the public opinion.
Moreover, an open firmware would allow the sell of Amazon closed ebooks on other ereader and a better experience on Kindle. More apps means more customers, as Google Android teaches us. Also, more apps means better apps than those included in the default system, with no expense by Amazon. Think about an Amazon Store in which you could buy every ebooks, also PDFs, epubs, and other standard formats, that often publishing houses own and could sell in electronic PDF format but not in ebook format because this would mean more costs. Think about all specialist books sold for your Kindle in the Amazon Store.

As a first step toward this, we ask to Amazon to introduce an easy way to jailbreak their Kindle firmware.

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