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Sindaco di Venezia: Salvare la Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa

Sindaco di Venezia: Salvare la Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa

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Questa petizione è stata creata da Thomas B. e potrebbe non rappresentare il punto di vista della comunità di Avaaz.
Thomas B.
ha lanciato questa petizione diretta a:
Sindaco di Venezia
Da giovane artista, che sono stato, la Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa è sempre stata un fondamento, un traguardo, un punto di riferimento ineluttabile.
Con la sua dipartita, ci sarà una conseguente sparizione di tutti i giovani artisti di Venezia, indigeni e non.
Salviamola, come fossero dei elefanti, come le focene del Madagascar o i cani in Cina.
Per un mondo migliore
Firmate copiosi giovani artisti! e tutta quell'altra gente che gira intorno a questo mondo delle arti e della bellezza.

Bevilacqua la Masa is a No Profit Foundation based in Venice, Italy, well know around the world for its engagement in promoting young contemporary arts and artists since the beginning of the 20th century. Bevilacqua la Masa every year hosts a residency program for 12 young artists and several art exhibitions, showcasing both the work of young emerging artists and international artists, all of this without public founding from the City of Venice. Recently, for "budget reasons" the Mayor of Venice has proposed to the City Council of Venice - who owns the Foundation and the exhibition spaces - to absorb into the Municipality's office Bevilacqua la Masa and change its governance system, from an independent management (which was required by its founding statute) to a bureaucratic organ which would be directly run by the Municipality Administration, and this would obviously mean a very fast dissolution and the consequent closing of this unique Foundation and its specific and autonomous research. We think that the independency and the peculiar field in which the Foundation's mission is rooted requires a specific and autonomous cultural management, capable of understanding and address the challenges of today's contemporary world. In order to avoid such a cultural loss we are ask you to sign the petition and to share it.
Thank you

In fede,
il Vostro:
Thomas Braida

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