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Dear FEI, KNHS and other... It is time for a revolution

Dear FEI, KNHS and other... It is time for a revolution

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Deze petitie is gecreëerd door Iris W. en geeft niet per se de standpunten van de Avaaz-gemeenschap weer.
Iris W.
heeft deze petitie aangemaakt voor
FEI, and other organisations
I am not surprised that a lot of equipment is ruled OUT for competitions, but I am surprised how much equipment is REQUIRED. Why&quest

There already is some discussion about allowing some different bitless bridles in the lower classes of the dressage competitions, but I believe that the FEI and other organisations, like the KNHS in my country, underestimate the amount of people that ride bitless, with a halter or only with a neckrope. More and more people want to switch to bit‐ or bridleless riding, it is getting more popular over time and it is unavoidable. Especially because horse friendliness and welfare are getting more important. So why not give people a choice whether they want to ride with a bit, bitless or bridleless. And I am not only talking about dressage but also about show jumping, reining, eventing, driving, horseball, vaulting etc. Why not&quest Because bitless riders have no chance of winning&quest Because it is new and many people don’t understand it&quest Or is it because people think it is dangerous, because you can not control a horse bit‐ or bridleless more than with a bit.
People who believe that you can not control a horse bit‐ or bridleless the same way as you do with a bit need to wake up and face the facts. Riding horses is a dangerous sport, if you are scared to get injured or to fall you should not get close to a horse because when a horse gets scared or does not like it there is no bit or bridle that will stop him. There are so many people out there, including myself, who can ride with only a neckrope on a high level and can ride their horses safely through a city, just on a neckrope or on a halter. Safety is not an issue so why not let them compete together with the other riders, who ride with a bit. You are going to be stunned by the amazing things people can do with their horses without using bits, spurs and other equipment.

Allowing people to choose whether they want to ride with a bit or without is probably the best option and the best choice you can make as an organisation. I would love to see more people riding grand prix on a rope halter or a neckrope in the future, who doesn’t&quest Doesn’t it make riding more special&quest It does not only raise the bar for the ones who are ready to take on a new challenge but it also invites a lot more people who are only able to ride bitless with their horse to compete alongside the others.
Do not underestimate the people who ride bit or bridleless. We can do the same as the people who ride with a bit and we are going to show it when we get the chance too. So please give us a chance to. I, and so many others are waiting for the opportunity to show the hidden side of riding. The art of riding in freedom, and we are waiting to compete alongside the others.

I sure hope that things will change, and I want to be a part of it. My goal now is to show people who told my riding with a neckrope or halter is not serious (or dangerous) riding, that we absolutely can ride serious and awesome without that required equipment. In the future I want to see people competing with rope halters, bitless bridles and neckropes alongside the people who ride with a bit. I want to start and be a part of that revolution, do you&quest

Iris Weijenberg
@icelandic_welsh on instagram

What do we want&quest
&dashpeople to get the choice whether they want to ride bit&dash or bridleless or not, in every level. next to the riders who ride with bit.
&dashbitless also approves&colon ropehalter, sidepull etc.
&dashbridleless ( on a neckrope ) is allowed under the rule&colon 'When someone sees you ride with a neckrope and you can not control your horse properly, someone from the organisation can make you put a halter on your horse.'
&dash "on the bit" has to change to "on the aids"

we already have supporters from&colon
&dash The Netherlands
&dash Germany
&dash Spain
&dash USVI
&dash Argentina
&dash Sweden

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