Morski Oddział Straży Granicznej.: Pozwólcie naszej rodzinie zostać w Polsce.
Jana G.
kieruje swoją petycję do:
Morski Oddział Straży Granicznej.
Nazywamy się Hryhorij i Anatolij, czyli Grześ i Tola, jesteśmy braćmi z Krymu, razem z rodzicami uciekliśmy przed wojną. Zostawiliśmy swój dom, tata wcześniej stracił pracę i został pobity. Na Ukrainie, gdy rodzice chcieli wypłacić pieniądze, kazano im złożyć rezygnację z wypłaty 2/3 oszczędności i zablokowano konto bankowe. Postanowiliśmy szukać spokojnego życia w Polsce. Żyjemy tu od trzech lat. Rodzice pracują, nauczyli się języka polskiego, my uczymy się w polskiej szkole. Uczymy się bardzo dobrze, Tola dostał się do dobrego liceum, chcemy tu żyć, pracować i płacić podatki. Dopiero tutaj, w Gdańsku, czujemy się bezpiecznie. Niestety otrzymaliśmy decyzję, że nie otrzymamy statusu uchodźcy, ponieważ "na Krymie nie ma wojny", a poza tym możemy mieszkać na Ukrainie. Ale my nie mamy nic ‐ nie mamy żadnych krewnych na Ukrainie, wszyscy są na Krymie, a Krym jest teraz rosyjski. Tola za półtora roku kończy 18 lat, zostanie wzięty do wojska i zapewne, jak się dzieje z wieloma jego kolegami, zostanie wysłany do Donbasu. Grześ jest po operacji, przechodzi rehabilitację, nie ma szans, by ją przeszedł na Ukrainie albo na Krymie. Nasi nauczyciele, koledzy bardzo nas wspierają, ale prosimy o Wasz głos, żeby urzędnicy w Warszawie oraz funkcjonariusze Straży Granicznej rozpatrzyli jeszcze raz nasz wniosek. Każdy głos, to poparcie dla nas. Nie chcemy wracać tam, gdzie jest wojna. Prosimy o pomoc.
We, Jana and Hrihorij Shmatov ask for your help.
We are refugees from the Crimea. After the annexation of the Crimea by Russia we had to save children and ourselves. I lost my job and I was beaten. We did not have any consular protection from Ukraine, which we are citizens.
We decided to go to Ukraine to Lvov. We have been trying to live there for 2 months. We met there the aggression of authorities and ordinary people. They closed our bank account and allowed us to take one third of our money after signing the resignation.
We decided to go to Poland. We, the parents, were given the visa for six months, and the sons for 3 days. We hoped that in Poland we would find safety, home and work. We started the procedure of legalization of stay. We found ourselves at the resort in Dębak and then in Grupa near Grudziądz. We were there from July 2014 to August 2016. It was hard but we hoped for a new life.
We were in the program "Relocation of refugee families" from the center for foreigners in Grupa.
Since August 2016 we are in Gdansk, which is our home for us. We have a very good job and schools for our children.
The younger son was given the opportunity to treat his jaw defect, had a severe operation and still needs long and difficult treatment. Because of what he witnessed in the Crimea and Ukraine he has a strong trauma and big fear and problems. He is under the supervision of Psychological Clinic.
Both our sons learn very well. The older son very easily adapted and has very good results on examinations and inter‐school competitions. He got into a very good high school. We, parents, are very proud and happy that the sons have a chance to learn.
Unfortunately on July 17 we were refused refugee status and granted subsidiary protection. We only have the right to complain to the Provincial Office in Warsaw. This is our last hope, otherwise we will face deportation.
Please help to get a pledge for us. We are ordinary people who want to give their children the opportunity to live and learn in peace.
We, Jana and Hrihorij Shmatov ask for your help.
We are refugees from the Crimea. After the annexation of the Crimea by Russia we had to save children and ourselves. I lost my job and I was beaten. We did not have any consular protection from Ukraine, which we are citizens.
We decided to go to Ukraine to Lvov. We have been trying to live there for 2 months. We met there the aggression of authorities and ordinary people. They closed our bank account and allowed us to take one third of our money after signing the resignation.
We decided to go to Poland. We, the parents, were given the visa for six months, and the sons for 3 days. We hoped that in Poland we would find safety, home and work. We started the procedure of legalization of stay. We found ourselves at the resort in Dębak and then in Grupa near Grudziądz. We were there from July 2014 to August 2016. It was hard but we hoped for a new life.
We were in the program "Relocation of refugee families" from the center for foreigners in Grupa.
Since August 2016 we are in Gdansk, which is our home for us. We have a very good job and schools for our children.
The younger son was given the opportunity to treat his jaw defect, had a severe operation and still needs long and difficult treatment. Because of what he witnessed in the Crimea and Ukraine he has a strong trauma and big fear and problems. He is under the supervision of Psychological Clinic.
Both our sons learn very well. The older son very easily adapted and has very good results on examinations and inter‐school competitions. He got into a very good high school. We, parents, are very proud and happy that the sons have a chance to learn.
Unfortunately on July 17 we were refused refugee status and granted subsidiary protection. We only have the right to complain to the Provincial Office in Warsaw. This is our last hope, otherwise we will face deportation.
Please help to get a pledge for us. We are ordinary people who want to give their children the opportunity to live and learn in peace.
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