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Petycja została zamknięta
The EU parliment and the council: Amending the regulations concerning explosives precursors

The EU parliment and the council: Amending the regulations concerning explosives precursors

Petycja została zamknięta
50 podpisało

Marcin G.
kieruje swoją petycję do:
The EU parliment and the council
of 15 January 2013 on the marketing and use of explosives precursors imposes
the need to restrict access to so called explosive precursors on member states.
Although the idea is well justified, upon further analysis, the regulation
seems to be an effect of lack of knowledge, chemofobia and unjustified panic
regarding the acts of terror well before recent ones in France and Belgium. The
aim of the regulation is to restrict general public access to so-called
explosives precursors. The regulation doesn’t actually make it impossible to
produce explosives in amateur conditions, only makes it slightly harder,
several of the substances mentioned in the regulation are obtainable using
methods available at home, while some explosive precursors with many uses and
users are restricted far too heavily. Additionally, the limit values, which are
the highest concentrations of chemicals available to general public are
unjustified and down-right senseless. For instance, hydrogen peroxide and
nitric acid are quite useful substances with lots of peaceful applications, yet
their corresponding limit values are 12% and ridiculously low 3%. On the other
hand, it is possible to buy relatively dangerous explosives precursor mixed
with… 60% of sand, a component easy to separate, allowing to circumvent
regulations. The safety is indeed a must, but should not come with restrictions
concerning several people without any malicious intent, whose only fault is
that they are not allowed to apply for necessary license to use certain
chemicals. This regulation makes affects small farmers, garden and pool owners,
model makers and chemistry enthusiasts. I believe that the legislative bodies
of EU should:

  • amend limit values for nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide to at least 65%
    and 30% respectively.

    introduce a reasonably high
  • limit quantities available to individuals for
    those substances if and only if necessary.

  • rationalise the current definition of explosive precursor, so that it
    doesn’t include several substances outside the regulation. (Technically, sugar,
    charcoal and urine are explosive precursors)

  • allow for any individual to actually apply for a license to get access to any explosive precursor, the only requirements being: chemical knowledge, justified need for a precursor (which includes the exploration of science), no criminal record and possibly an EU citizenship.

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