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No UK weapons for Israel
No UK weapons for Israel
The Tories stood by Israel while they rained bombs down on mosques, refugee camps, schools, hospitals, and even British aid workers. Despite all the atrocities, the UK has continued to fuel the atrocities with hundreds of millions worth of arms. Now, with a Labour government, that must change - the UK must end arms sales to Israel.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer:

The UK has licensed millions in arms to Israel, even as evidence of war crimes and atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank has mounted.

Your new government has the chance to draw a line in the sand; to place Britain on the side of justice and peace. That is simply not possible while continuing to sell weapons to Israel that are being used against Palestinian civilians. 

As citizens from across the UK we have a single clear message: 


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Prime Minister Keir Starmer:
"The UK has licensed millions in arms to Israel, even as evidence of war crimes and atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank has mounted.

Your new government has the chance to draw a line in the sand; to place Britain on the side of justice and peace. That is simply not possible while continuing to sell weapons to Israel that are being used against Palestinian civilians. 

As citizens from across the UK we have a single clear message: 


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