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Barclays funding fossil fuels
Barclays funding fossil fuels

Dear C. S. Venkatakrishnan, Managing Director of Barclays:

We are writing to you as a group of concerned citizens and parents, asking you to end your investment in fossil fuels.

The International Energy Agency has made clear that no new investments in oil, gas, or coal are compatible with safe levels of global heating. This means banks urgently need to phase out their funding for these dirty industries, and yet Barclays remains the largest funder of fossil fuels in Europe since 2016 - and last year, you even increased your funding of this toxic industry.

We demand a liveable planet for the children of today and the future. Despite irrefutable evidence that fossil fuels are driving us towards climate collapse, Barclays remains deeply invested in their continued development.

We are asking you to put in place a credible plan to divest from these damaging industries this year. All those who have signed are asking you to make that commitment. We are also making it clear that if you do not - we will not use Barclays services. We are asking you to:
  • Commit to ending all fossil fuel financing
  • Put existing clients on notice that you will be ending all fossil fuel financing
  • Put clients without credible climate plans on notice

We are banking on the planet. Will you join us?

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Dear C. S. Venkatakrishnan, Managing Director of Barclays:
"We are writing to you as a group of concerned citizens and parents, asking you to end your investment in fossil fuels.

The International Energy Agency has made clear that no new investments in oil, gas, or coal are compatible with safe levels of global heating. This means banks urgently need to phase out their funding for these dirty industries, and yet Barclays remains the largest funder of fossil fuels in Europe since 2016 - and last year, you even increased your funding of this toxic industry.

We demand a liveable planet for the children of today and the future. Despite irrefutable evidence that fossil fuels are driving us towards climate collapse, Barclays remains deeply invested in their continued development.

We are asking you to put in place a credible plan to divest from these damaging industries this year. All those who have signed are asking you to make that commitment. We are also making it clear that if you do not - we will not use Barclays services. We are asking you to:
  • Commit to ending all fossil fuel financing
  • Put existing clients on notice that you will be ending all fossil fuel financing
  • Put clients without credible climate plans on notice

We are banking on the planet. Will you join us?"
Barclays bank is the biggest funder of fossil fuels in Europe. And rather than moving towards the future we all need, last year they even INCREASED their investments in fossil fuels.

All of us want to protect our climate, and we know that dirty fossil fuels are the biggest contributor to global emissions. So let’s demand Barclays stops playing with our futures, and the futures of our kids, and that they STOP funding fossil fuels - #ForFuturesSake

This campaign was originally started by Parents for Future on Avaaz' Community Petitions platform.

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