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Ceasefire - Stop this War!
Ceasefire - Stop this War!
Sign the Global Open Letter for an immediate ceasefire to protect children and civilians in Palestine and Israel:
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Over 9,000 people are dead in Palestine and Israel. A child in Gaza is being killed every 15 minutes. This is absolute madness and it is getting worse. As Israel's closest ally, the American president holds the key to a ceasefire that would prevent thousands more from dying -- sign this urgent call for peace and we'll deliver it to President Biden and in media across the world:

Ceasefire Now -- Stop this War!

"Dear President Biden and global leaders,

How many more children must die before you support the global call for a ceasefire?

How many are enough?

As people from across the world, we call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the blockade in Gaza.

Stop raining death on innocent people.

Ceasefire NOW!"


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