Don’t rubber stamp the tar sands
National Energy Board Chair Peter Watson:
The Energy East pipeline could move over 1 million barrels of tar sands from Alberta to the Atlantic Ocean each day - exporting bitumen and dangerous carbon emissions to the world.
Without considering climate change and listening to people’s voices, any review of Energy East will be incomplete and illegitimate.
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Shockingly, they say that climate change isn't their concern.
The good news is that the National Energy Board is about to start public consultations before this crucial decision is made -- but they only want to hear from a hand picked few, on topics that they choose.
Right now, citizens’ groups are coming together to make the biggest push yet for a fair and inclusive process that will look at all the issues -- if we all add our voices, they will have to listen, or risk a complete loss of public faith.
We only have days before the process starts. Click now to tell these decision makers to put their rubber stamp back in their pockets, and instead protect our precious natural resources and the climate. When 100,000 sign on, Avaaz will bring all our voices right to the NEB’s doorstep in Calgary.
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