G20: Offer Debt Relief to Fight Coronavirus
To G20 Leaders, the IMF and World Bank:
We are deeply concerned that the world’s poorest countries won’t have the resources to contain the coronavirus. We call on you to save lives by agreeing to cancel their debt, starting with an immediate suspension of debt payments. We also urge you to provide additional funding so all governments can spend money fast to contain the virus, boost their healthcare systems, and ensure people can afford to stay at home.
Join the call for debt relief during the coronavirus crisis:
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To G20 Leaders, the IMF and World Bank:
This is a terrifying time for us all, but it could get much, much worse.
If coronavirus takes over some of the world’s poorest countries in Asia, Africa, and South America, MILLIONS of people could die.
People crammed into slums, overcrowded hospitals, little money to help the poor. In many of these places, people simply can't afford to stay home or get the basic health care they need!
But major governments are meeting in days to work out a global response to this crisis. Experts are asking them to offer debt relief to the world’s poorest countries, allowing that precious money to save lives. That’s exactly what is needed right now, and it’s on us to ensure our leaders make it happen!
Let’s join this global call to contain this deadly wave -- when 1 million sign, we’ll plaster our call across leading newspapers. Sign now!
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