End the ivory trade
End the ivory trade
Sign the petition to European Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella, and all European governments:
As citizens from across Europe and the world we call on you to close Europe’s domestic trade in ivory, end all ivory exports, and support efforts to ban the global ivory trade. Europe has led the fight against illegal poaching, but these efforts are being undermined by the continued legal trade in ivory in EU countries. In the context of China announcing its ban on ivory, Europe must now do all it can to prevent elephants being driven to extinction.
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Sign the petition to European Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella, and all European governments:
We're about to wipe elephants from the face of the Earth. It’s so bad, some are now being born without tusks -- an astonishing last throw of the evolutionary dice to survive human cruelty.
But for the first time ever China, the world's biggest ivory importer, has announced it’s banning ivory. Now, if enough of us demand it, we can get Europe, the world's biggest ivory exporter, to follow suit!
Last year we shone a light on Europe’s thriving ivory markets and stirred up a storm. Now momentum is building to shut them down. This is our moment! Join the urgent call and share this everywhere -- let’s make our call so massive, we help end ivory forever.
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