Free Ahoo now!
To world leaders:
We, concerned citizens around the world, are appalled by the brutal response from Iran’s morality police to the courageous act by Ahoo Daryaei, who protested for women’s freedom, in the name of all women. You cannot sit idle and watch. Now is the time to show your commitment to women’s freedom. Act now and do your utmost to pressure Iran’s regime to release Ahoo immediately!
Join the call on world leaders, Iran must release Ahoo before it's too late!
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To world leaders:
Ahoo Daryaei removed her clothes in an ultimate act of courage and defiance after being assaulted by the morality police in Iran.
Ahoo risked everything to stand up for women’s freedom despite the risk of imprisonment, torture and other ill treatments.
The clock is ticking: A video showed that Ahoo was violently abducted after being harassed and insulted by Iran's paramilitary forces.
Where is Ahoo Daryaei now?
There is still hope: People around the world are calling to save her. If millions of people raise their voices, we can get the G20 leaders to push Iran to release Ahoo.
Add your name now to help make Ahoo’s name famous, pressure the Iranian regime and encourage the G20 governments and the UN to speak up. Sign and share now!
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