Palestinian Lives Matter!
Sanction Israel
Sanction Israel
Sign the petition to our Foreign Ministers, Trade Ministers and Heads of State:
The treatment of the Palestinian people has become a stain on the conscience of the world. It is time for the world to stand up and act, to bring sanctions on key Israeli industries until Palestinians are granted full and equal civil rights. We appeal to you for moral leadership and action to save lives.
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Sign the petition to our Foreign Ministers, Trade Ministers and Heads of State:
Israeli snipers have shot and killed over 100 unarmed protesters on their own land, and injured over 2700 more. Most are young people, many of them children.
It's another example of the racist brutality of Israel's military dictatorship over Palestine - a dictatorship that has lasted more than 40 years.
Enough is enough. Palestinian lives matter. Sanctions on South Africa helped free its black citizens from Apartheid, it's time for the world to rally behind sanctions on Israel, until Palestinians are granted full and equal civil rights.
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