Sign the Letter for a Green Recovery
To Commission President von der Leyen, Chancellor Merkel, Christine Lagarde and all EU leaders:
You’ve got the power to lead Europe and the world out of the dark days of this pandemic towards a brighter, greener future.
You can make the Green Deal our Recovery Deal by investing hundreds of billions a year to create green jobs and make our economies clean and fair. We count on you to put a climate bank and a climate budget at its heart and ensure that all money is spent in line with the Paris agreement. It is time to move away from dirty fossil fuels, tax large corporate profits, and unleash the clean energy revolution we so desperately need.
Together, we are strong enough to fight back and recover from this virus. We are generous enough to ensure no one is left behind. And we are wise enough to ensure this recovery does not lay the foundations for even worse climate crises in the future.
Add your name to the open letter for a green recovery plan for Europe and the world. Let’s hit 1m signatures, and leading parliamentarians will deliver it to key EU leaders:
Recent signers
To Commission President von der Leyen, Chancellor Merkel, Christine Lagarde and all EU leaders:
You can make the Green Deal our Recovery Deal by investing hundreds of billions a year to create green jobs and make our economies clean and fair. We count on you to put a climate bank and a climate budget at its heart and ensure that all money is spent in line with the Paris agreement. It is time to move away from dirty fossil fuels, tax large corporate profits, and unleash the clean energy revolution we so desperately need.
Together, we are strong enough to fight back and recover from this virus. We are generous enough to ensure no one is left behind. And we are wise enough to ensure this recovery does not lay the foundations for even worse climate crises in the future."
Avaaz is joining forces with hundreds of youth leaders, national ministers, MEPs, academics, business leaders and civil society groups, and supporting joint green recovery initiatives like the "Green Resilience Pact", the appeal led by the Green 10 coalition of European environmental organisations, and the Call to Action to G20 leaders launched by the Club of Rome and the Planetary Emergency Partnership.
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