Can my community stay nuclear free?
To Abe Shinzo, Liberal Democratic Party President :
We know how important kouyaku are to you. That’s why we call on you to make your nuclear pledge to local governments much clearer. We call on you to give a specific promise that local communities can say no to nuclear power restarts in their area.
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70% of citizens want a nuclear-free Japan, but the party isn’t listening. Policy Research Council chair Sanae Takaichi is so keen to turn on nuclear power that she even claimed that the Fukushima nuclear disaster did not directly lead to any deaths. With this fanaticism, it is hard to trust the LDP will be genuine in implementing its vague manifesto promise to win the understanding of local communities for restarting nuclear plants. Now, before the election, is when we have the loudest voice -- so let’s push for an LDP promise that local communities can stop the nuclear restart in their areas.
The election is coming up fast and a decision by the Nuclear Regulation Authority could see reactors turned on in just days! Click to sign and when 20,000 of us join the call, Avaaz will deliver the message straight to the LDP’s office.
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