Make polluters pay!
To New York Governor Kathy Hochul:
As concerned citizens, we urge you to sign the Climate Change Superfund Act into law to make fossil fuel corporations pay their fair share for the damages caused by climate disasters. For decades, these companies polluted the planet that resulted in increased floods, storms and extreme heat, devastating lives and communities.
Your leadership can make New York’s bill a blueprint for the federal government and other states to follow - we count on you!
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To New York Governor Kathy Hochul:
Your leadership can make New York’s bill a blueprint for the federal government and other states to follow - we count on you!"
Right now, Governor Kathy Hochul is on the verge of deciding whether to sign the bill.
It would raise $3 billion a year to help cover the costs of climate damages and the energy transition.
The funds would come from about three dozen companies and industries responsible for driving global warming -- like the big oil corporations that have knowingly lied to the public for decades about the dangers of fossil fuels, all while raking in massive profits.
If she signs this climate superfund into law, the New York governor could kickstart a global domino effect.
Avaaz and partners are meeting the governor in New York -- add your name now!
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