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Ban Israel from the Olympics
Ban Israel from the Olympics

To the International Olympic Committee:

As citizens from across the world, we call on you to ban Israel from the Olympic Games until their government ceases its assault on innocent civilians in Gaza.

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To the International Olympic Committee:
"As citizens from across the world, we call on you to ban Israel from the Olympic Games until their government ceases its assault on innocent civilians in Gaza."
Next month, the world will turn its eyes to the Olympics in Paris.

36,000 of those who could be watching with us from Gaza are dead. Children who once dreamed of competing have had their limbs torn from them.

And unless something changes, the Israeli government will still be bombing Gaza as athletes compete in its name: Israel has just announced its willingness to continue the war for seven more months.

As the world comes together for the Olympics, we have the chance to send a message that mass killing of civilians will not be tolerated by the global community. Pressure is building for a plan that would see Israeli athletes compete - just not under Israel's flag.

The Olympic committee meets in days: let's be one million voices demanding that Israel be banned until its government stops the assault on Palestinian lives and ends the apartheid.

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