India: Stop the Pesticide Massacre
To the Agriculture Minister of India, Maharashtra, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and investigating agencies:
We urge you to immediately ban the sale of deadly pesticides and hold the companies involved to account. No Agrochemical company should be permitted to distribute deadly products that cause this kind of severe harm to users. Victims and their families must receive immediate and adequate compensation.
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To the Agriculture Minister of India, Maharashtra, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and investigating agencies:
50 farmers in Maharashtra literally dropped dead after spraying a pesticide on their cotton. It was so toxic that 800 more were hospitalized, and some were blinded by just a few drops.
Shockingly, the Minister for Farmers Welfare has not said a word about this tragedy. But his party needs farmers' votes. If we land this scandal on his table, he’ll be forced to act against the guilty companies and their toxic chemicals.
Officials are trying to blame the farmers for their own deaths. But if enough of us speak out we can force the government to rein in the deadly pesticide companies. Sign and share this urgent call with everyone -- once we get 50,000 signers Avaaz’ll launch a media blitz to make this pesticide massacre a national scandal.
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