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Secretary Gove: End the Plastic Plague Now!
Secretary Gove:
End the Plastic Plague Now!

To Environment Secretary, Michael Gove:

We urge you to forge ahead with the deposit and return scheme for plastic bottles, not allowing it to be watered-down and delayed by industry interests. We support a real financial incentive for recycling, rather than an abstract reward scheme. 10,000 bottles go un-recycled every minute; there's no time to waste!

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To Environment Secretary, Michael Gove:
"We urge you to forge ahead with the deposit and return scheme for plastic bottles, not allowing it to be watered-down and delayed by industry interests. We support a real financial incentive for recycling, rather than an abstract reward scheme. 10,000 bottles go un-recycled every minute; there's no time to waste!"
Every day 16 MILLION plastic bottles go un-recycled in the UK.

It’s a plague of plastic that's choking our rivers and suffocating the ocean -- it's even in our drinking water! But finally there's hope.

The Environment Secretary is considering a revolutionary plan to give people a financial incentive to recycle. It’s a complete no-brainer, but industry lobbyists and even supermarkets are fighting back, hard -- and there’s just four days left in the consultation.

To drown them out we need a tidal wave of public support to flood the consultation -- click to add your name and then share this with everyone, we have four days to make it massive.

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