Before honey bees are extinct
To US decision-makers:
We call on you to immediately ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides until and unless new independent scientific studies prove they are safe. The catastrophic demise of bee colonies could put our whole food chain in danger. If you act urgently with precaution now, we could save bees from extinction.
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Bees don't just make honey -- they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 90% of the plants we grow. Without their pollination 30% of our food will be gone! President Obama is so worried he has created a bee task force to come up with a plan. But giant chemical companies are spending millions to dilute a proposal that would outlaw their poisons.
We have beaten them before -- last year we ran an identical campaign in the EU, and won a ban. Now we know some members of the task force are on our side. Already 2.5 million of us are behind this campaign. Let’s get an unprecedented 3 million strong petition to save the bees and give allies on the inside massive public backing. This is not just about saving bees, this is about our survival. Sign the emergency petition now, before the honey bees are extinct.
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