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Scotland -- investigate Trump
Scotland -- investigate Trump

First Minister Sturgeon, Cabinet Secretary Yousaf, and all members of the Scottish government:

We call on you to immediately employ an Unexplained Wealth Order to investigate how the Trump Organization purchased its Scottish golf courses, in particular the source of the over £150 million in cash that was used. To end Scotland's tenure as a playground for money launderers, we need to send a clear message: no one is above the law, not even the US President.

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First Minister Sturgeon, Cabinet Secretary Yousaf, and all members of the Scottish government:
"We call on you to immediately employ an Unexplained Wealth Order to investigate how the Trump Organization purchased its Scottish golf courses, in particular the source of the over £150 million in cash that was used. To end Scotland's tenure as a playground for money launderers, we need to send a clear message: no one is above the law, not even the US President."
More Information:

Donald Trump loves to brag about his Scottish golf courses -- but they’re about to become his worst nightmare.

Former MP George Kerevan has just called on the government to launch an investigation into how Trump bought the properties -- it turns out he used ALL cash, but evidence suggests he didn’t have close to the £150m needed.

So where did he get it? Let’s find out -- when enough of us sign, Avaaz will file a formal demand to back Kerevan, urging the Ministers to investigate the source of Trump’s cash using a new anti-corruption law. It could even compel Trump to turn over his tax returns -- something no one in the US has been able to do!

Trump’s life is full of close connections with mafiosos and other criminals. In the US, he does all he can to bury the truth. But here in Scotland, we can show the world that no one is above the law -- not even the US President!

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