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Stand up to Saudi!
Stand up to Saudi!

Sign the petition to all UN Member States:

As citizens from around the world, we stand with Canada, and call on you as our leaders to do the same by publicly calling for the release of all peaceful human rights activists, calling to expel Saudi Arabia from the Human Rights Council immediately, and considering sanctions unless the human rights situation improves.

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Sign the petition to all UN Member States:
"As citizens from around the world, we stand with Canada, and call on you as our leaders to do the same by publicly calling for the release of all peaceful human rights activists, calling to expel Saudi Arabia from the Human Rights Council immediately, and considering sanctions unless the human rights situation improves."
More information:

Saudi Arabia sentences women to death by stoning, brutally whips peaceful activists, and with their allies, just bombed a school bus full of kids in Yemen.

Canada just called out their latest jailing of women activists, and now Saudi has slammed them with sanctions! It's a typical bullying Saudi response: make an "example" of anyone who dares stand up to them.

Enough is enough -- let's get our governments to stand with Canada by publicly demanding the release of human rights activists, calling to expel Saudi Arabia from the UN Human Rights Council, and to bring sanctions if the abuse continues - sign now!
Posted: 9 August 2018

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