Say NO to mutant fish
To Margaret A. Hamburg Commissioner US Food and Drug Administration:
As global consumers, we ask you not to approve Aquabounty’s transgenic salmon for human consumption. Genetically modified fish pose a real threat to natural marine species and the long-term effects of consuming transgenic meat have not been sufficiently researched. Worse, FDA's approval of transgenic salmon could open the floodgates for genetically modified animals worldwide. Without stronger guarantees that this product salmon do not threaten wild species or human health - now or in the future - we ask that you reject its approval.
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Genetically modified food is already pretty scary, but this is the first time anyone has tried to unleash mutant meat -- salmon that grow twice as fast and are mostly sterile. The good thing is the government has to review public comments before it can say yes. And while many Americans are working to get their politicians to stop this, we can submit a massive global petition to the public comment process, gaining media attention and showing bureaucrats that most people everywhere don't want genetically modified meat.
Experts say this US decision could open the floodgates to mutant meat everywhere. Let's stop it before that happens. Sign on the right and then share this email to everyone.
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