Stop the whale butcher
To Iceland's Prime Minister, Fisheries Minister, and all members of the Icelandic government:
As citizens from around the world, we are horrified by the continuing whale hunt in Iceland. We urge you to use this opportunity to end whale hunting permanently, and to champion greater protection for whales worldwide.
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To Iceland's Prime Minister, Fisheries Minister, and all members of the Icelandic government:
It's sickening. They just shot her with an exploding harpoon, hacked the foetus out of her, and trashed it. She was just one of 125 endangered fin whales Icelandic millionaire Kristjan Loftsson killed this year.
Fin whales are awe-inspiring -- capable of communicating through song, feeling love and deep emotional suffering. Loftsson is the last man on the planet still slaughtering these gentle giants for profit – often while they're pregnant.
But finally we can stop him.
Right now, Iceland's new government is considering ending whaling, but they could face a mountain of backlash from the tycoon and his whaling lobby. It's up to us to show them the whole world supports a ban!
Sign now before a decision is made, and when we reach 1 million signatures, Avaaz will poll the rapidly shifting public opinion in Iceland and plaster the country with our call.
Posted: 13 September 2018
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