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Victor Ponta,: Help the forgotten Romanian horses!

Victor Ponta,: Help the forgotten Romanian horses!

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Diese Petition wurde von Pat L. erstellt und repräsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.
Pat L.
hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
Victor Ponta,

target: Victor Ponta, Prime Minister of Romania; Corina Cretu, Member of the European Parliament; Corneliu Vadim Tudor, Member of the European Parliament; Claude Turmes, Member of the European Parliament, ANSVSA ( National Veterinary Office)

Romanian farmers own two or three horses, which carve a miserable existence throughout their entire life. They are being forced to work and being abused until death. The mentality of the farmers is to leave the animals outside during the cold winter, thirsty and hungry, arguing that a horse who does not work needs no food.

If they can no longer continue to run on from sheer exhaustion, their genitals are often hit or set on fire. As an EU country, Romania must be forced to put a bill through that obliges farmers to vaccinate, deworm, microchip the horses and provide for a reasonable accomodation, if they do not want to comply, they must be prohibited to keep horses. Frequent checks would urge these farmers to treat the horses with more compassion and respect. Animal cruelty should be punished with harsh emprisonment. No horse deserves to have to pull excessive heavy loads while being injured, being neglected, being abused, only to eventually end up in a slaughterhouse.
Please support our petition to make it possible that the terribly tortured horses in Romania get a better life.

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