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Diese Petition wurde beendet
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Empower Our Voice ! The Voice of Afrin, Support The Campaign!

Join Us Empower Our Voice ! The Voice of Afrin, Support The Campaign!

Diese Petition wurde beendet
50 Unterschriften

hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
European Union in its role as a mediator, Turkey, Russia, the Syrian state, the opposition
Get involved!
Strengthen our voice: support our campaig and contribute to our demand for a safe and dignified life without violence, discrimination and poverty.​Please sign our petition and call on the heads of state and government to initiate a new political process for Afrin, and this should be characterised by cooperation between all parties: EU in its role as a mediator, Turkey, the Syrian state, the rebels of the Free Syrian Army and the voice of Afrin, which, on the one hand, represents the interests of the Kurdish population from Afrin and on the other hand, advocates the rule of law and economic development.
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