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All: Sign a Petition for Breast Feeding rooms in Public Places

All: Sign a Petition for Breast Feeding rooms in Public Places

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Paras H. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Paras H.
started this petition to
This World Breast Feeding Week, lets stand up to make our public places breast feeding friendly. We all are well aware of the importance of breast feeding. It is every child’s right and not just a privilege. But please introspect- DO OUR PUBLIC PLACES HAVE SPACES FOR BREAST FEEDING? No! You can’t see any Breast Feeding friendly spaces at bus depots, railway stations or even the metro stations. A mother and her infant are left with three choices:
  • Feed the child in public and feel uncomfortable while doing so!
  • Give your child baby formula milk which is devoid of the rich nutrients in mother’s milk
  • Keep your child hungry till you find a vacant, private and secure spot.
It’s time for a change! It’s time to urge responsibility amongst the government, regulatory, quality and infrastructure. In the era of making our society woman friendly, probably we are ignoring the plight of a breast feeding mother.
Join our petition to raise awareness about public spaces having enclosures for breast feeding.
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