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All athletes attending the 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Boycott the games entirely if Japan does not stop hunting Dolphins & Whales

All athletes attending the 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Boycott the games entirely if Japan does not stop hunting Dolphins & Whales

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This petition has been created by The G. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
The G.
started this petition to
All athletes attending the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
As the number of all marine life continues to plummet to the point of total worldwide collapse, never to recover, we will watch on as the greatest single catastrophe facing the human race gets nearer and nearer by the day. Over 70% of our world population rely heavily on seafood as their main source of all nutrition. This coupled with the fact that dolphin drive hunts and whale fishing is done in the most horrifically cruel manner, devoid of any empathy towards the beautiful creatures they're slowly torturing. These are intelligent and highly aware animals who watch and know what's going on. They see their babies and family striped from their side, they hear the screams and taste the blood in the water. We as humans have the power alone to stop this. Irrelevant of nationality, race, or religion, we know what is right; to financially benefit a few we by not acting are allowing this to continue. Please help to put an end to all whale and dolphin hunting now before it's too late.

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