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Alliance for children's online rights

Alliance for children's online rights

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Άρης Λ. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Άρης Λ.
started this petition to

On 4th of February 2014 our beloved Facebook celebrated its 10th birthday. So we decided to give the best present ever! If it were a kid, it's a 10 years oldie. Let's all collect as many signatures as we can from all over the world.

The more signatures, the better gift, till next year don't you think? It's never too late for the company to take action and show to the whole world that, first of all it respects children!

So let's all Internet users wish Happy Birthday and jointly demand from Facebook to respect children's online rights! More specifically:

• to stop having public profiles by default, because in this way underage users are exposed to danger
• to respect its obligations towards the law and
• to identify the users in such a way as to exclude children under 13 years of age.

So simple as thumbs up for the idea: Like it? Sign it...

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