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Ask Kickstarter to allow Genetically Modified Organisms as rewards

Ask Kickstarter to allow Genetically Modified Organisms as rewards

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Antony E.
started this petition to
Kickstarter changed it's project guidelines on July 31st to specifically exclude the offering of Genetically Modified Organisms. Genetic engineering is going to become commonplace, it's going to become a personal thing, a new art form as creative as painting or sculpture. Kickstarter could be a great force for good in the world aiding the introduction of this technology, they should allow release of creations so long as they are legal and ethical.

Synthetic Biology is the most powerful technology we have ever developed. It has the potential to solve so many great challenges faced by our society. If you think this technology should remain the preserve of the elites and large corporates then stay silent. Otherwise, if you believe in democracy and the power of individuals to make a difference please sign our petition asking Kickstarter to reconsider their decision.
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