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Initiate action against BBMP and RedBull Flugtag organizers

Initiate action against BBMP and RedBull Flugtag organizers

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This petition has been created by Aruna R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Aruna R.
started this petition to
B Ramanath Rai, Minister of Forest, Ecology & Environment Department, Gover
Who needs an event that could pose danger to our lakes' fragile ecosystems? The aquatic and bird life on Sankey Tank was put to stake by the irresponsible Red Bull Flugtag event! The event organizers flouted the law and erected a huge that threatened the health of sensitive biological systems such as algae, plankton, microscopic invertebrates, crustaceans, turtles, fish, birds, and aquatic bird species, notwithstanding the quality of water, and the unique geology of the lake which dates back to many thousands of years.

Is the prestige of conducting such an event worth the risk to our Lakes' ecosystems?

I started this petition asking the Minister of Forest, Ecology & Environment Department, Karnataka, Ramanath Rai to initiate stringent action against the BBMP and organizers of Red Bull Flugtag event for their blatant violation of the High Court order and staging an event that had put the biodiverse Sankey Tank lake to severe threat. It is urgent that we collectively act and punish those who want to toy with the fragile ecosystems!

How can a dangerous event like this be ignored? Such violations continue only because there isn't stringent any action being taken. Please, friends, your signatures could prompt the Minister to initiate action on priority. Every signature counts and can make huge difference! Thanks so much for heeding!
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