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Microwave radiation has not been proved safe. Protect humans! Remove that cell tower NOW!

Microwave radiation has not been proved safe. Protect humans! Remove that cell tower NOW!

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This petition has been created by Sharon I. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sharon I.
started this petition to
Bell Aliant, Canada
Wireless technology has not been proved safe. More and more human beings are falling sick as a result of exposure to microwave radiation caused by cell phones, Ipads, wifi and cell phone towers. You did not know wireless technology is dangerous? Want knowledge about this? Google Barrie Trower or Bioinitiative Report 2012 and get yourself informed. Meanwhile, Brave Edna Pettipas of Nova Scotia, is suing telecom giant Bell Aliant because of the severe physical symptoms caused by one of their cell phone tower close to where she lives. S upport this brave woman. She is one of many who dare to speak out against the way human health is being savaged by microwave technologies. . A Nova Scotia court has set trial dates for April 2015. While so very many people have suffered similarly, the details of her particular case make it the best opportunity thus far in Canada to get on the legal record that the current regime governing public exposures to this radiation is not protective. Already one favourable judgement has been obtained, despite the delaying tactics of Bell Aliant, paving the way for this trial.
Edna Pettipas success could have important favourable repercussions in the public interest. It is an opportunity that should be grasped. The other side with their incomparable financial resources is likely to bring witnesses, from medical and physics perspectives, who will try to negate that harm and loss could befall Edna due to cell tower radiation. To meet this challenge, more witnesses are needed for Edna’s side, in the public interest.
Edna’s lawyer has shown bravery in taking the case on contingency, i.e. he does not get paid unless he wins.
We want to send a clear message to Bell Aliant,. Take down the tower that is threatening Edna's very existence. IMMEDIATELY! Present-day ICNIRP guidelines, which world governments have swallowed whole, are totally obsolete. They were devised years before wireless technology took control of modern society. Moreover, they are based on only 6 minutes exposure time. Who in the world is exposed to only 6 minutes nowadays? Bell is exposing Edna every minute of the day!!Listen to Edna! Listen to the growing worldwide tidal wave of objections to the microwave technology which threatens our physical health on a minute-by-minute basis.Ironically, many telecom organisations offer their own employees protection from the radiation generated by microwave technology - because they KNOW the stuff is lethal When Bell Aliant play around with microwaves, they are tampering with the natural frequencies of the human body and thereby jeopardising human health. Microwave radiation affects everyone.Many people are already totally disabled by microwave radiation. It could be your turn next! Help Edna and all those citizens in the vicinity of this tower whose health and ultimately very existence is threatened by this monstrous technology. We must demand that Bell Aliant remove their cell tower immediately! For the latest research into the dangers of microwave technology, see www.bioinitiative.org (The Bioinitiative Report 2012)
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