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Brazil: No Man's Land - A plea of help to the world

Brazil: No Man's Land - A plea of help to the world

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This petition has been created by Norah A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Norah A.
started this petition to
Citizens of the World
A plea of help. Please read and take action.
At the present moment Brazil is being charged for violation of human rights before UNO for having thrown on the streets and turned homeless around 200 thousand people in order to "get started" to the Olympic Games and the Soccer World Cup.
Public money is wasted on expensive football stadiums , while at the same time people die in the floor of public hospitals, for absolute lack of investment of public money..
Rio de Janeiro has become a rape city.
Crowds invade public restaurants in São Paulo for stealing, armed with revolvers.
Noone feels safe living here any longer. Noone is arrested or goes to jail. And, if by any chance someone is arrested and indicted, he will remain no longer than 3 years in jail for murder.
At the same time our rainforest is being decimated, together with the indigenous people.
A bill has been presented on the Senate to destroy an enormous area of amazonian forest in order to plant sugar cane, regardless of the environmental loss it will cause.
Our oceans are constantly subjected to oil spills. Noone is punished.
Animals are treated as garbage. This week a citycounsil man in Para has ordered the murder of around 300 dogs, by paying around 2 dollars for each one to the population, which immediately complied to his hedious request, with no further legal consequences.
Politicians are trying by all means the return of the rodeos (bull torture) in cities were already it has been banned..
This criminal responsible for illegal safaris in 2011 is still free, although it was a scandal even on the brazilian TV.
Her "influent friends" made her untouchable by the authorities. This is just one on a never endind series of crimes against wildlife.
The Farra do Boi (a sort of local bullfight in Santa Catarinna) goes on, although it has been prohibited by the Supreme Court of Law.
Our country sends old "useless" (as they say) horses to slaughterhouses in order to get their "meat" exported to the EU. Brazil has made a great "business" from cattle live export to the Middle east.
A TV "celebrity" made this week a relentlss defense of zoophilia, with no further consequences as well. Instead, he was fully supported by the TV channel.
And, as if this was not enough, on the 26th of June a bill will be voted to approve the EXTINCTION of Public Attourney's powers of investigation.
This is the ultimate attack against democratic principles, that will enable the already hedious corruption to grow even further, without being disturbed.
As we brazilians see it, we need the help of the international community.
With the oncoming games the situation will get consideerably worse, with the massive killing of stray animals all over the country.
As our government only have eyes for what it sees as the "desirable tourism resources" that will come in with the oncoming games, our best shot is to count with your help.

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